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H.S. Designs Global, LLC

Splendor in the Heavenlies Candle

Splendor in the Heavenlies Candle

Regular price $22.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $22.00 USD
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This hand-crafted beeswax candle features white fluffy clouds floating across a blue sky and a scent that reminds you of a light breeze blowing on a warm day. These fluffy clouds and light scent are not only reminiscent of a beautiful day, they are a reminder that "the heavens proclaim the glory of God,"  and that "the skies display his craftsmanship."(Psalms 19:1) This candle is meant to make you pause and think about the splendor of our Creator. It is a reminder that we need to slow down in our busy lives, take a deep breath and think about the greatness of our God.

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